Monday, August 2, 2010


I have never felt so frustrated for so long.... I have been for the past week or so witnessing some of the brutal human behaviour....

I felt as if life in this world isn't worth pursuing... it gets too hard and it gets too cold sometimes...

Being a strong believer of "pay it forward", always believe in "being thankful" and always believe life is beautiful (to certain extend)... doesn't make you a saint, nor make you more likeable, sometime do make you appear "weak"...

There is a saying in Chinese, "Shen cai fu cong, bu che fu", what it means is, blessing is often being taken granted for when blessing readily available...

If you are doing someone a favour, when you refuse to do that favour again due to personal circumstances, you are suddenly an evil... I thought, it was suppose a favour?

I guess what I have learned is not everyone think the way you might think... life seems to fill with countless negative forces that seems to be easier to subscribe to.... and only some might see and understand there are positive things in life that we need to cherish...

Often feel sad knowing that my children will have to grow up and battling with these negative forces... it is tempting to do the opposite... simply give up and don't care....

My conscience told me otherwise... but I can only do so much....

Doing children and newborn photography give me a better outlook to this world... they are as pure as a blank paper... full of possibilities and full of hope...

Hope is something we need in this fuzzy world... and faith is something we need to nurture....

I guess, if something don't kill me, it probably make me feel stronger... but with conscience that is....

With photography business, most who own the latest and greatest digital camera and lenses seems to be able to call themselves "photographer" and offer their services....

Often forget that promise must be fulfilled and it include the promise to be always be there... many seems to think very short term and offering "hit and run" services... at lower price with lots of corners being cut or perhaps smoothen for bigger profit...

Some look at value, but many look at pricing...

To many Pricing seems to be an equation of time, what is included in a package and profit... it may be for consumables... however photography is not a consumable and should not be treated as a consumable commodity.

Images capture from photography act is a form of investment... now, many will sensible enough to put where they think their money will grow over time,.... however, when comes to invest in preseving the memories, it seems that it is easier to show without the investment part to be considerred.

I have read in a book and I agree... Time is a non-expandable assets... once you lost it, it is lost forever... with photography, it is a preservation on those time that is non-expandable.... shouldn't it be considerred as an investment or should we still insist to consider it as consumable commodity?

Anyway... enough said...

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