Monday, May 10, 2010

Images from recent "Fashion" shoot

I have never really shot a fashion shoot until recently...

It was nearly 6 months ago that I met Hanis Hussey in one of the fair when the whole thing started.

Hanis is former supermodel and considered as one of the major export in Singapore history back in 80's and has appeared in the cover of Time magazine, shot by Russell Wong.

Recently, Hanis and her business partner introduced me to a professional stylist, Jimmy, who is well known in fashion world in Asia. They have known each other for a long time; and with his guidance and mentoring, I have learnt so much in the last few meet ups with them. He is so detail and amazingly fast paced in getting the shots and I was barely keeping up... two thumbs up for the industry pro.

I feel kind of inadequate with the lighting equipment that I have.... I have been shooting 100% natural light for the last 2.5 years so with some of my leftover, older flashes and reflector... and despite all the limitation, under the guidance of Jimmy... the shoot kinda worked out to be very interesting.

Learning so much in the last couple of weeks makes me wonder how much things I still need to learn about photography.

Here is some images that I took of Hanis' business partner's son Alex...

Next is images taken for Hanis' daughter.. Nicole...

And very fortunate today to take some shots of former Miss and Mrs Singapore.... Colleen... (if you wonder, I shoot with available light with home made reflector....)

I am counting my blessings... and can't thank them enough to give me this opportunity to work with professional in this field...


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