Saturday, April 24, 2010

Camera Equipment... what I use...

I have been asked so many many times what I use to do most of my portrait work (add a few more lenses for wedding)... didn't think it is so important as they are probably the simplest things...

I generally like to keep everything fairly simple... kids are simple people and what they want is not being photograph but they want to play with you. If you let them.
So using modest equipment seems to work a lot better with children... big camera and lenses tend to intimidate them... Also, it put a lot less stress on your shoulder...

From the left: Minolta VF lightmeter, Minolta 135mm f2.8 , Sony A900 with 50mm f1.4 and Domke Bag

From the left: Sony A900 with 50mm f1.4, Minolta 135mm f2.8 , Minolta VF lightmeter

So you have it now... I shoot primarily on Minolta AF 50mm f1.4 lens at around f2-5.6 depending on number of people in the shots and shoot.

Outdoor, i would prefer the Minolta AF 135mm f2.8 because I prefer to have more distance between me and my subject.

I gaffer my lenses as it gives me more grip as I often change lens on the run.

Minolta VF Lightmeter is one important thing that I use because I prefer to know exactly the lighting I am shooting rather than try to evaluate that on the camera LCD.

Sony A-900 DSLR is my primary camera... 
I must admit, it is great little camera that is so powerful and the only thing that stand between me and the camera is my imagination. It has everything I need... 24MP Full frame sensor, Great hi ISO control, 100% Field of view and its bright, Body integrated vibration reduction (Super steady shots) and great ergonomic and  last but not least... my trusty legendary Minolta lenses are perfectly match.

I love the Domke Bag (it is the smallest bag I think)... it is very very comfortable to use and fit a lot of things for such a small bag... best thing is, I bought it from an auction some years ago in Sydney for $5...

Last but not least, yes, I tape all the wording on the camera... I let you ponder on why I do that.... no offence SONY.


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